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Commercial and Community Organizations


The Commercial / Community Tents and Entertainers Are Back for the 

2022 Outdoor Market Season!


Community Commercial Tent Spaces are Back!


Commercial Spaces are for Local Businesses to promote their business!

One day at the Market is $400.00 prepaid and non-refundable.


Community Spaces are for qualified local Non-Profits and Community Organizations and are offered free of charge.


We happy to invite neighborhood talent to schedule a day to entertain Logan Square Farmers Market visitors on Sundays 12-3. Priority will be given to performers with a Logan Square connection.We are not able to pay talent, however, tip collection and swag sales are permissible so long as it is not food or tote bags. We will also promote you online via our website, newsletter, and social media platforms. 


Anyone interested, please email for more information and to sign up.



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